Monday 11 December 2017

Winter is here!

After a death defying drive on unplowed snowy roads, I arrived in Corpach, a shivering nervous wreck. Ashley Phil and Ivanka having arrived a couple of days earlier, had no issues with the drives but had been out all day braving Storm Caroline.

The snow was still coming down as we tucked into fish and chips and hatched a plan for Saturday. The verdict Gulivan, the mountain of the long long walk in, and out.

Saturday morning was clearer than expected and setting off at dawn we saw the sun rise over clear skies on the mountains. Maybe the drive would be worth it afterall.

Phil heading up the beginning of the climb. The car is well beyond the trees in the furthest part of the valley
Poor Phil was rather broken from a fall the day before. Halfway up the  slope I heroically volunteered to carry his crampons (I didn’t expect him to say yes!)

Ashely and Phil at the trip point, the summit is still a ways off

Clearish skies on the Summit of Gulivan 

Returning along the ridge
 We still had to get to the summit with the trig point, we were really pushing the daylight. We reached the bottom of the slopes in good time, well just before it really started to get dark anyway. The walkout along the track seemed to go on forever, but eventually returned to the car and back to Corpach for victory pizza
Back to the trig point
The forecast for Sunday was brilliant, just brilliant. Unfortunately team London had a flight to catch, so the search was on for a ‘smash and grab’ Munro, just off the main road to get on the way home. The solution: Stob Coire Raineach (Buachaille Etive Beag). We arrived in the car park, vehicle  thermometers showing a balmy -9°C. Unlike Gulivan, where we hadn’t seen a soul, there were already quite a few other hikers out on the hill.

The hike up was almost entirely in the shade

Once we got into the sunshine though it was amazing!

The fresh snow and clear skies made for some excellent photo opportunities

Stob Coire Raineach: summit selfie

In fact we spent a hilarious half hour or so trying to perfect the ideal social media profile photo on the summit. I mean these sort of conditions don't come around often y'know!
This is my favourite I am the orange blob on the outcrop
Since we got off the hill in good time we popped into the Clachaig Inn for cheeky hot chocolates before Ashley Phil and Ivanka set off for their flight.
Hot chocolate in the Clachaig, always a winner
 I however was not in a rush to get home, and therefore did the double. Stopping off at Real food Cafe for cake before heading on down the road. 
Real Food Cafe, so many choices!
Driving home I stuck to the main roads, I've learned my leasson going over a 'short cut'  in bad weather
Finally some pano fun at the top!