Tuesday 28 October 2014

EKC weekender (I did a grade V)

Oops failed to post this up at  the time, videos courtesy of Hieu.
After an early Saturday morning start Tom and I met up with the rest of the team at the put in for the Etive. Graham and I definitely had some demons  kill after the less than successful Etive trip of last year!

Mostly I was just pleased to get passed triple 2 without a disaster this time! After plenty of swims we made our way down to right angle falls,  which was attempted by all except JP who was worried about back injuries.

For years I’ve been meaning to get on to the Etive tribs for ages, and this was that day! Graham Tom and I started the arduous walk up the Allt a Choarainn.

I had a cheeky swim on the speed rapid being pushed against the wall, but otherwise a superfun run! Definitely worth the hike up the river.

Evening dinner was at a classy trip to Fort-Bill spoons, before retiring to the hostel to meet Steve and Tamsin. It’s a bit strange to stay at Aite Cruinnichidh and it not the be new years or freezing!
A relaxed Sunday morning we got going to the Orchy, meeting up with Laura and Stevie at the putin. Everybody stepped up a gear and we only had two swims for the entire river, this time it was Elizabeth’s turn to conquer some demons and finally finish the Orchy (with style).  At the 2nd grave V (the double drop one) I surprised myself by deciding to actually paddle it !

 I’m not going to lie I was pretty scared, and very glad Laura made it look super clean ahead of me. Massive thanks to the cheer team and safety team on the bank also. It definitely looks easier from the  video than it felt at the time!

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