Thursday 6 November 2014

Munros: Cruach Ardrain and Beinn Tulaichean

(Ahem... quick change of Munro names after Ashley pointed out I'd got them mixed up)

One of my favourite things about living in Scotland is that when my friends come up to do fun things I can easily pop along for a weekend.  Last weekend I joined Phil Ashley Ivanka and Heather who were up in the north for a spot of Munro bagging.

I ventured up to join them after work on Friday, after getting horrendously lost driving around the forest tracks behind Killin I eventually made it to the holiday cottage in Auchmore (thanks for coming to rescue me Ashley). In future I shall follow my satnav and not the confusing direction. Fortunately I arrived just in the nick of time to take control of the Chilli making for dinner.

An Epic game of contract whist commenced, in the conservatory,  having made the living room too hot via the wood burning stove. Unfortunately I did not win (just biding my time/developing strategy/ some other excuse).
On the way up 

Saturday morning saw us heading to the hills with a cheeky pit stop along the way for me to inspect the falls of Dochart (definitely runnable). We set of from Crianlarich train station, the lower part of the ascent involving a significant amount of bog. I think everyone had wet feet after 30 mins. The winds were steadily picking up as we climbed, the Forecast had reported the winds would drop after midday, they didn’t.  
Half way up I spotted an appealing looking rock which I naturally set about climbing. I didn’t exactly plan how I was going to get down however; resulting in a slightly sketchy jump/fall.
No thought given to the method of getting back down (Photo: Ashley)

The summit of Cruach Ardrain was celebrated with a speedy pork pie eating stop, while Phil loaned out spare pair of gloves to me and Ivanka. I’m not sure why anyone would carry 3 pairs of gloves up a mountain but I was pretty glad. Some comical fellrunners were also summiting at the same time, their vest/backpack thingys looking at lot like a buoyancy aid.
Cruach Ardrain Summit (photo: Heather)

We carried onwards to the summit of Beinn Tulaichean, I have not one a clue how to pronounce this one either. The wind was making stopping a chilly prospect so we headed off of the mountain in the direction of the car the wind quite literally blowing water back up hill.

Water literally blowing up hill
We arrived back at the car just as it was starting to get dark, and headed back to Auchmore.  Phil and Heather were dispatched to buy pizza’s while I started playing at lighting the stove. After some epic hot chocolates, and another nailbiting game of Whist (I pipped Phil to the post!), we all collapsed into bed.

Another successful weekend.

Beinn Tulaichean summit (Photo: Heather)

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