Saturday 22 April 2017

Skye fun

After an exhausting time on Torridon, we made our way over to Skye, a ‘rest day’ was on the card for most. I’m not sure if climbing a hill really counts as rest, but it was a change from biking.

Top of (Photo Rhian Anthony)

The next day we set off for the infamous Sligachan, both me and my bike were feeling a little broken by this point. But with views of the Cuillin peak and intermittent sunshine, was enough to convince me this was a good idea.

Scenic Skye riding (Photo Caroline Souter)

The path had been recently re-done and numerous drainage ditches put in place. I definitely got better at hopping over them throughout the day. Several river/stream crossing provided amusment to see who could would get through, who would get wet feet and who would just use the stepping stones and walk.
Dicing with a river crossing (Photo Caroline Souter)

Unfortunately my front suspension started to pack in, and as we rounded the top of the pass, it pretty much died altogether! Feeling pretty broken I didn’t quite make it to the bothy, turned around early and headed back to the car. Inspite of not quite completing the ride I was fairly pleased that both me and the bike had made it as far as we did!

GPS trace of shame (didn't quite make the Bothy)

On the way back home we stopped at the Nevis range for a quick spin round the train centre there. Since the Anthem was basically unrideable, I went to hire a bike. I was more than a little tempted by an electric bike, but the lure of trying fatbike won out. Super silly fun, I’d love to own one!

Fat Bike Mega Fun (Photo Tamsin Saxton)

Returning to Edinburgh totally broken, but big grins all round after a super few days of exploring the highland by mtb. I want to go back already!

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Torridon Tour

Still being quite new to mountain biking, when Alex decide to organise a jaunt to Torridon and Skye, I just said yes. I had no idea what I was letting myself in for! On the first day we went for a loop from Gairloch to Loch Maree and back. It was a tough but fun introduction to mtb in the highlands,  and the challenge was only just beginning.

top of the pass on day 1 (Photo Rhian Anthony)

The absolute highlight of the trip was the tour of Torridon ride, over the pass to the Strathcarron road and back.

The Torridon loop (OK we shuttled the final bit on the road)

Unfortunately at the top of the first climb the bolt on my seat post sheared in half, and my saddle fell off! An improv fix with cable ties was initiated, this held the saddle on but didn’t fix it in place. Still who needs to sit for a descent anyway.

one of many attempts at affixing saddle to bike (Photo: Rhian Anthony) 

Back down at the road we discovered road signs are held on with the same sized bolt as a saddle post. Unfortunately, they are not quite long enough to hit the screw. We returned the bolt to the road sign, bodged the saddle back on with cable ties and carried on.

Stealing a bolt from a signpost: Harder than you might imagine.
We did put it back though! (photo Rhian Anthony)

Later we passed some workmen building a hydro scheme, and begged the for a bolt. We tried using thinner on they offered us, but it soon bent, and I was back to a wobbly saddle. I decided to chalk this up to ‘good training’, and stood up on the peddles for most of the rest of the ride. From this episode I learnt two things:

  1. Having a saddle with a hole in makes impromptu repairs much easier to see what you’re doing
  2. Cable ties are an essential part of emergency repair kit.

We soon left the road again and began the long climb up to the belach. Passing the bothy at Coire Fionnaraich, I thought the climb might be nearly over. I was so wrong, It had only just begun! The path got steeper and rockier, the mountains beyond rising in a horse shoe, with no visible path between them.

The never ending hike-a-bike (photo Caroline Souter)

After an unending seeming bit of hike bike we reached the top of the pass, for an epic descent, back down in to Torridon. Then back to the hostel to tuck into victory cake provided by Sven!

The amazing cake! (Photo Sven Thompson)

Next stop Skye for more awesome biking!